Why, I'm not a model

What makes you, you?

Hi guys. I’ve decided to write down some of the questions, I walk around with all the time. They often make me crazy. I’ve tried to come up with some answers too. The answers, I give you in this post, are the ones that I found by reading books and a lot of different articles – and by meditating. So I am not telling you, that these are the only, and right, answers to the following questions – just that they are the ones I found.
This is what I believe in.

“How do I figure out, who I really am?”- This question is, without a doubt, a very normal one which I think we all ask ourselves from time to time. But how do you even know, where to begin? Where to seek answers? How do you know, what to look for inside yourself? Or should you look outside? These questions have made me so confused and frustrated the last couple of months. My mind is trying so hard to keep up, with all of the information it’s constantly being given. It’s trying so hard to figure out what’s real and what’s not. Trying hard to figure out if I am real.
What am I? Do I really exist or is it all just a dream? An illusion?

The answers to all of these questions are endless. In my opinion, humans are nowhere near the real truth yet.

But here’s what I personally think about it all (for now):
Based on books and lots of articles I’ve read, I think that solid matter as we understand it, does not exist in the universe. All that we are, all particles, are just vibrations of energy. (Hence, why it is so important for us to be vibrating on the right frequency of energy.)
Take a look around. What do you see? All the physical material you see , are really not physical at all. The Danish physicist Niels Bohr, quoted that: “If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”
To put this simple. Everything is energy. Including you. Your mind. Your body. It does in fact exist, just not in the way we thought it did. Which is why it all so easily, could be nothing but an illusion in our minds.

So what am I? I am my mind. That’s the only thing that, I think, I’m sure of. Still confused though. I don’t know if this is my body, or if I am just hosting it. Lets say we really do live in a matrix and it’s all an illusion. Wouldn’t your mind still have to exist somewhere else in the universe, and be linked to your body, for this matrix/illusion to be possible? Wouldn’t we have to be sleeping somewhere else to dream this life? So my mind is what makes me, me. Not my body. I don’t even know if it’s real. But for now, I have to live like it is, because that is all I know how to do. So I am grateful for it. Grateful that it’s making it possible for me, to pursue my dreams. Grateful that it takes such good care of itself without me even noticing.

Whether it’s all an illusion or not. I don’t think that this is our only life. So therefor the question would have to be: “how do I remember who I am” instead of: “how do I figure out, who I am”. You already know. You just have to remember. Remember what you stand for. Remember what you love. Remember what you’re passionate about. Remember why, you are here on Earth.

I hope that this made at least a little sense. I’m sorry if it’s confusing. As you can hear, I am confused too. This is literally just my mind written down.

Love, Caro


1 comment

  • Thomas

    Buddhists say there is only mind. I think you’re on to something when you say that we are connected to something that keeps us in the illusion. Maybe it’s what we call “Life”… for lack of a better understanding of it – do you know what I mean? The Hindus believe we were all once a part of the “God-head” that splintered and we all became self-concious sparks – now trying to get back to the original state we were once in. Insteresting, no? Have a good journey on your quest for answers.

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Why, I'm not a model