What makes you, you?

High without drugs


I don’t do hard drugs. I smoke weed sometimes, but that’s not what I want to talk about in this post. In this post I want to talk about getting high without drugs.

I love getting high on music. The feeling can not be described with justice. You get goosebumps all over your body and feel the blood rushing through your veins, until it reaches you head and there’s just nothing left to do, than to close your eyes, smile and start dancing. Effortlessly, carefree and happy. I often do this, when I’m alone. It is truly amazing. You feel so free. You feel your body getting light, as it is moving around with the music. You don’t even do “real” dance moves. Your body just moves without thinking. You’re just one with everything in that moment. When you’re doing this, you let go of tensions. You let go of anger. You let go of worries. You literally feel lighter afterwards. This is also how I usually dance in the clubs, if the right songs comes on. To many people, this looks like I’m on drugs. And I have gotten the question many times too. The people who asked me this didn’t understand, how I could dance like nobody was watching, without being on drugs.
I don’t even have to be drunk, if the right music is on. And I definitely don’t care about people thinking I must be high as fuck or something. Because I am. High as fuck on music. And it’s awesome.

Here’s some of my favorite songs to get high on at the moment.

Love, Caro

1 comment

  • Teis

    Great songs! My favourite by Odesza is Sun Models though, so summer-viby for these wintermonths..

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What makes you, you?