One year without sex

Reprogramming your subconscious mind

Is that even something you can do? The answer is yes. This is exactly what I’ve been doing the past year.
In the beginning I wasn’t aware, that this was what I was actually doing. I just thought that I was “finding myself”.
I wasn’t. I was reprogramming my subconsciousness. All my beliefs, and all I had ever thought about myself, was changing. I was unconsciously programming my subconscious mind to think more positive thoughts about my body, my life, my mind – and others.

Ofc, when you’re not aware that, that’s what you’re doing, the process is slow and I had a lot of setbacks, because I didn’t understand, what was going on. This was all very overwhelming to me.

Before I dig into how you can reprogram your subconscious mind, I have to give a quick explanation:

In daily terms we talk about the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind controls all the actions, that you do intentionally while being conscious of it. It is responsible for logic and reasoning. For an example: if there’s a glass of water beside you right now and you choose to take a sip. That’s your conscious mind working because you were 100% conscious, while doing the action.
Another way the conscious mind is working, is if a person present you with a belief, that’s against your own beliefs. The conscious mind will then filter the presented belief in the same way, if someone called you “dumb”. Your consciousness will then filter that statement and let you realize, that you are in fact not really dumb.

The subconscious mind is what makes you breath all the time, without you realizing that you are doing so. Also your heartbeat is controlled by your subconscious mind.
All your beliefs and memories are also stored in your subconsciousness, and it also controls your emotions.

That was a VERY short but needed explanation. Now, why would we want to reprogram our subconscious mind? Well, for an example, in my situation; All my life I had been telling myself that I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t pretty enough, I didn’t deserve love, I wasn’t worthy etc. The list goes on. In the beginning some of these things were stuff I was told by other people, or how other people made me feel. So because my conscious mind became convinced this was the truth, it was then allowed through, and stored in my belief system in my subconscious mind. Then the madness took over. My first reaction to ANY situation, that didn’t go the way I intended it to, was always this thought (and it came instantly): “I hate myself” – At times, I even caught my mind creating pictures of me hitting myself because “I was so stupid”. In my younger years I actually went so far to really hurt myself, because I hated myself that much.

So how in the world do you handle such toxic behaviour ? I’ve tried to narrow it down to these 5 steps below, that had a big impact on me.

STEP 1 – You need to get through to your subconscious mind, but your consciousness is standing in the way, ready to “make you realize that you are in fact stupid” (because that’s your whole belief system now). So I started out with telling myself things I didn’t really believe, in the beginning. Like “I love my body – I love myself – I am worthy of love – I am good enough – I have talents – I will succeed – I will make it” (whatever you need to tell yourself of positive things). Write it down as well. This is not a process that just happens over night. It takes time. A long time. So be patient.
The outcome was, after months of doing this, I slowly started believing these statements. I felt them getting through the barriers of my consciousness to my subconscious mind. I found myself in situations where before my mind would instantly have gone to “I hate myself”, but now it said “I love myself” or “I am good enough”

STEP 2 (Keep doing step 1) Visualization – create positive pictures in your mind on purpose. Force yourself to everyday, sit down and visualize your dreams come true. Visualize yourself at peace. Visualize yourself smile. Because none of these pictures can ever come true in our physical world, if you can’t picture them in your head first. Look at all of the buildings around you. Your clothes. Your shoes. Your car. None of this would exist, if there hadn’t been a person at one point visualizing these things in their minds.

STEP 3(Keep doing step 1 and 2) Meditation – I started out with guided mindfulness meditations on YouTube because I had no idea how it worked or how to do it. I tried my best to do this each day 20 min. before I went to bed (or at LEAST 2-3 times a week). Don’t just try to control your thoughts. Observe them too. Let them pass by without you attaching feelings to them. Become aware about what’s really going on in your mind. It also helps to train your mind to stay focused, to concentrate – without getting distracted.

STEP 4 (Keep doing step 1, 2 and 3) Step 4 is to understand that your thoughts are the key to everything. If your subconsciousness controls your emotions, what controls your subconsciousness? Your thoughts. They control EVERYTHING.
The minute I became aware that I actually have the power to control my very own emotions, it started getting interesting and fun. I made it a game to be aware of my thoughts. Always observing them. And whenever I catch myself in having a negative thought about myself OR others, I’m like “hey stop”. I then say to myself “I want to think positive thoughts, I want to attract positive things and people in my life”. Whatever positive thought you can replace the negative with, works. Even if it’s just “that’s a pretty flower.” – as long as it’s positive. Because in the end, that’s ALL you wish to attract in your life right? Good and positive people. Your dreams are positive dreams too, right? Then you need to be on a positive frequency to attract them into your physical world.

I know this was a long post, but I still feel like it is way too short, for such a large topic. I hope, on some level, it was useful to you. Remember, you don’t have to start doing ALL of these things at once. That would be very overwhelming, I know. Simply just, start with one step at a time.

Love, Caro



  • Teis

    Det her var lige hvad jeg havde brug for og søgte. Mine tanker er efterhånden ved at styre mig, men nu skal jeg igang med at styre dem! This is inspiration right here 😀 Thx Cleo

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    • cleopatratheone

      Hej Teis, beklager det sene svar! Men fedt, det er jeg så glad for at høre. Håbede det kunne inspire lidt rundt omkring, så det er skønt at høre, at det gjorde 😀

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  • Alexandra

    Tak for god inspiration og gode råd! Jeg tror bestemt at jeg vil prøve at arbejde lidt på mine tanker. Har aldrig overvejet at det faktisk er en mulighed 🙂

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    • cleopatratheone

      Er så glad for at høre, at du kunne bruge indlægget til noget! 🙂 Tak for din besked. xx Caro

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One year without sex